Budding software engineer, musician, artist, internet peruser.

This is an excuse for me to learn how to build a website, and is really just an example of my ability to use CSS and make div elements look Not Terrible Looking.

If you're looking to know more about me as a professional, LinkedIn is the way to go!


Where did I come from?

I graduated with a B.A. and M.A. in Linguistics from the University of California, Los Angeles.

While I was there, I also completed a specialization in computing (a.k.a I took a handful of pre-major CS courses in the School of Engineer)

My linguistics research interests include intonation, syntax (a strange mixture of X-Bar and Minimalism, which I believe is a UCLA staple). My computing interests include automation workflows and the general field of machine learning + natural language processing.

What am I doing and what have I done?

Currently, I am a Jr. FeedDev Engineer at Feedonomics, writing in PHP.

While I was in college, I did linguistics research for the University of Maryland Center for Advanced Study of Language, as well as copyediting work for the U.S. Embassy in Beijing + Hitachi Data Systems.

Two publications. Four talks.

Outside of work, I also participate in many music-related ventures (See below in 'Music' section)

Full CV available.


Why, this site of course.

I also attempted to participate in Advent of Code 2017. It's a series of daily programming puzzles (like a litle advent calendar, except more dorky :3). I only managed to squirm my way through the first half-ish (ok, like 11 days worth out of 25), but I'm still pretty proud of how I did it (especially since I didn't know how to "code" all of them and managed to do some of them by logic-ing it out)

Take a peek at my Advent of Code 2017 repo (and marvel in my floundering).

More things hopefully to come.


Materia Collective

Sometimes I create music and it's available for purchase.

All the albums that I've been a part of are listed on my artist page on the Materia Collective website.

I am particularly proud of my first and only solo track from Successor: Final Fantasy VIII Remixed where I demonstrate my a cappella chops (click the album art to play the song on Spotify).


My friends are in a band called Stormlight. Sometimes, I sing back up or play keys for them.

Their EP release party is on 12/5! It will be my first performance with them.


Sometimes I'll mess around with my microphone and put the results up so people can hear it. Here's a playlist of Georgian folk music from my SoundCloud.

There was also that one time a group of folks and I got honorable mention for putting together a little cover of "Night in the Brume" for the Heavensward Music Contest.